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What is plant-based cooking?
Plant-based cooking is simple – it means you’re cooking with only plant foods! This list is made up of food categories that you can...
Dec 6, 20222 min read

What IS a Whole Foods, Plant-based Diet?
By now you've heard the term "plant-based". There's plant-based ice cream, shampoo, and nuggets, but does this mean these foods and...
Aug 11, 20223 min read

Restorative No-Bone Broth
A restorative no-bone broth with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and sea vegetables. Restorative is defined as “having the ability to...
Apr 14, 20222 min read

Sardinian Diet - Six Secrets for Longevity
Sardinian Diet – Six Secrets for longevity; Sardinia, an island off the coast of Italy, is one of the blue zones hot spots where...
Mar 9, 20223 min read

The worst thing to tell yourself when it comes to fighting junk food addiction
We all tell ourselves little white lies, but what’s the WORST thing you can tell yourself when fighting sugar addiction, junk food...
Feb 24, 20223 min read

New Offering! Dinner with a Doc
With all the conflicting information out there, it can be tiring to know what to do, much less how to do it? How can I save time and...
Feb 24, 20222 min read

What is my microbiome, why should I care about it, and how do I care for it?
A healthy microbiome is vital for a healthy life. What is your microbiome, why you should care about it and how do you keep it healthy?
Jan 13, 20224 min read

10 tips to get your kids to eat more veggies
I’m often asked how I get my daughter to eat healthy. It can definitely be a challenge, but with a little persistence, patience and love,...
Jun 25, 20214 min read

Three Healthy Habits to Adopt
Do you ever wonder, What makes a healthy person?, How can we improve our health?, What is the most important part of health? Well this...
Jun 10, 20215 min read

Black Bean and Mango Tostadas
Are you looking for a recipe that's easy to make, hits all the right flavors and textures, and requires only 6 ingredients to make? (Yep,...
Apr 29, 20213 min read

Campfire Fajita Foil Packets (and tips to eat healthy while camping)
Springtime is a great time for camping. Lots of us think of S'mores or hot dogs over the campfire, but what if we could show you some...
Mar 11, 20213 min read

Whole food, Plant-based Butter Substitutes for Cooking, Baking and More
Ditching dairy? Awesome! Here are some handy plant-based butter substitutes for cooking and baking.
Feb 18, 20215 min read

Guide to plant-based milk
Whether it be because you don't have any on hand, you've got allergy concerns, or you want to try something new or for ethical reasons,...
Feb 4, 20215 min read

3 things to consider when making healthy food choices
So you're thinking maybe you should eat healthier. What are three things to consider when making healthier food choices?
Nov 20, 20203 min read

Easy Pumpkin, Apple, Kale Soup
Want to take advantage of some seasonal fruits and veggies but you're not sure where to start? Try this pumpkin, apple, and kale soup!...
Nov 4, 20202 min read

Can diet be a Game Changer for student athletes?
What if diet was the one of the key factors that set apart an athlete from all the rest?
Sep 24, 20204 min read

Plants have protein too!
For those transitioning to a more plant-centered diet, a common concern is that they might lack protein. Have no fear! In this post we...
Sep 10, 20204 min read

Frozen Almond Butter Banana "Cheesecake" Bites
Frozen Almond Butter Banana "Cheesecake" Bites are an easy, healthy summer dessert for kids (and adults!)
Jul 13, 20202 min read

Health Benefits of Oatmeal
Benefits of Oatmeal in our simple Immune Boosting Food series - plus three yummy recipes!
Jun 2, 20202 min read

Simple Immune Boosters - Garlic and Onion
Benefits of Onions and Garlic - Immune Boosting Foods!
May 14, 20203 min read
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