VegeCooking is your source for all things plant-based lifestyle & cooking.
Whether you're full blown whole-foods, plant-based, or veg-curious & just want to dabble in adding more healthy foods, we've got you covered.
What we've got for you
We've got free recipes, plant-based cookbooks & programs to help you & your family get lean & fit, have energy & stay healthy for life. That's what makes us different.
Our goal is not just about looking killer in your favorite pair of jeans (that will just happen naturally!). We want to help you & your family experience the joy and happiness of living with vitality, in alignment with your sprit and values & free from diet and lifestyle diseases. We want you to enjoy the freedom of having the energy & liveliness to do all the activities you want to do & to experience the delight and pleasure of craving the healthful foods that nourish your body. It CAN happen & this is why VegeCooking was created.
Plant-based cooking classes
We've also got virtual plant-based cooking classes, & an after-school enrichment program for kiddos.
Learn to Cook, Love Your Veggies.
Business opportunities that make a difference
We've got a licensing program if you'd like to become a VegeCooking after-school enrichment business owner.
Not ready for that & just want to bring healthy cooking & eating to school, church or other organization?
Get 5 sample classes you can use over & over!
This will be the most rewarding thing you've ever done.
We speak from experience!
WHY are we doing this?
We are passionate about health, animals, & the planet.
Learning to add more plant-based foods checks all the boxes.
It's our way of making a difference & we hope you'll join us!
Learn more about our founder, Dawn Hutchins
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