Terms of Use Disclaimer
updated 5/13/2022
We're so happy you could join us on our plant-based journey! There are some legal things we need to take care of before diving in. At www.vege-cooking.com (from here on out may be referred to as simply “we” or “website” or “site” or “personal blog”).

Please take a few minutes to read and understand the following terms and conditions of use:
By entering this website or accessing any content from this website or related to this website (www.vege-cooking.com), whether it is shared by www.vege-cooking.com directly through this website or other social media platforms, or indirectly by a third party, you agree to the following terms and conditions and are bound by this agreement. It would be wise to take some time and read this through.
This website and its contents is not intended for children or minors. You must be at least 18 years of age or have the supervision of a parent or legal guarding when entering and/or using our website.
We hold the right to revise or change these terms and conditions at any given time without any notice to you. WE suggest you check back here often for any updates or changes made along the way.
If, for whatever reason, you do not agree with these terms and conditions outlined on this page, it is completely okay but pretty please cease use of our site immediately and exit our website.
Hold Harmless Clause:
www.vege-cooking.com is a website written for general informational and entertainment purposes ONLY. It is important to note that the content on this site has been written based on personal lifestyle, experiences, opinions and beliefs and should not be taken as actual professional advice or scientific evidence – because it is NOT.
We, the writers behind the content, are NOT experts and do not pretend to be. The content on this site is written solely based on our experiences, our travels, and our lifestyle and we are sharing it with you, the reader, for your entertainment.
The content on this site may contain topics related to health, diet, holistic lifestyle, exercise and, but not limited to, travel – however this should not in any way be taken as professional advice and should NOT be a substitute for “in-person” professional services. Always consult in person with a trained medical professional when making any drastic changes to your health.
We HIGHLY recommend that you reach out to your advanced health care professional, doctor, psychologist, therapist, nutritionist, dietitian, physical therapist, personal fitness trainer, expert travel guide, spiritual guru, travel agency or any other professional expert you may need at any given moment and not rely on the entertaining information that is provided on www.vege-cooking.com.
Please note that by visiting our website and using any content on this site does NOT build a "professional to client" relationship whatsoever.
By using any information or materials from this website you are agreeing to use it at your own risk, for which we cannot and shall not be held liable. If you choose to use any information on this site it is your sole responsibility to ensure that any product or information available through this website meets your needs. Again, to make things clear, if you choose to follow a recipe, change your diet, try a healthy cooking course, purchase a cookbook or any idea that may derive from visiting our website - IT IS AT YOUR OWN RISK.
It is our goal to provide content with integrity and will not intentionally or knowingly give out false information. It is important to note that all content on this site is based on our personal life, experiences, opinions, and beliefs. Therefore, we cannot make any guarantees or promises regarding how accurate or how reliable the information we present is. Therefore, again, we remind you to always double check, triple check, maybe even quadruple check any information that you find on this website with a corresponding professional. You've been warned. 🙂
Under no circumstances will www.vege-cooking.com or its owners be held liable for any loss or damage (physical, financial, emotional, or any other type of loss) arising out of or in connection with the use of this website. We are not responsible for how this website and its content are used.
The goal is to keep www.vege-cooking.com active and updated consistently. However, life happens, and www.vege-cooking.com or its owners will not be held liable if for any reason the website is not updated, we stop adding new content to the website, the website is down or unavailable, we sell this website or we simply decide to shut it down forever.
Reserve Rights:
The owners of www.vege-cooking.com reserve the right to change the content of this website at any time. It is a personal website based on personal experiences, and life can change at any moment, therefore the content in this site may also change. Ideas, beliefs, and opinions expressed on this site may also change at any time without notice to you, the reader.
We also reserve the right to edit or delete any comments that are submitted to www.vege-cooking.com without any notice due to any of the following, but not limited to: profanity, offensive language, bullying, spam, attacks to other commenters, disrespectful or rude language and so forth.
Copyright Policy:
All content within this website is owned by and/or licensed by www.vege-cooking.com. The material includes, but is not limited to, graphics, photographs, images, logo design, website design, layout, text, videos, and any other content found within this site.
This copyright content cannot be used, reproduced, modified, printed, or published without written consent. All content which is not property or licensed to www.vege-cooking.com will be given due credit. Of course if you would like to share one of our articles with your friends and family that is totally okay and does not require prior written consent as long as there is a link back to our website.
Affiliate Marketing And Sponsored Posts:
There may, at times, be certain products that we really love and want to share with you, the readers, and so you might find affiliate links and/or other advertising throughout our website. We'd like you to know that if you click on those links and purchase said products, there is a chance that we would earn a very small commission from that sale.
For example, under an article that talks about my favorite lasagna recipe, I might place a link back to Amazon showing you my favorite baking pan. If you go ahead and like the baking pan too, and purchase it from our link, we may or may not get a small, tiny commission from that sale that we can then put towards building and continuing to grow this awesome website! However, we promise to remain honest with our reviews and only promote and sponsor products and services that are in line with our beliefs and mission statement.
You will always know when a link, recipe post, or product is sponsored. We are big on transparency.
Links To Other Websites:
This website may include links to other websites and/or products to make it easier for you, the reader, to access more information. However, this does not mean “we” endorse any of the websites and/or products that we link back to. We cannot be held responsible for the content found on other websites or for the reliability of products that we link back to. It is always wise to do your own research.
Privacy Policy And Cookie Policy:
At www.vege-cooking.com we take the privacy of our visitors very seriously. We have a dedicated Privacy Policy page where you can learn all about our privacy practices, as well as, get informed about our cookie policy too.
No Medical Advice Disclaimer:
Just a friendly reminder that any information you can find on this website is for general information and entertainment use ONLY. The information presented on this site is not intended for, and should NOT be used for: diagnosing, treating, curing, or preventing any disease, illness, and/or health conditions.
Only a licensed medical doctor can do those things previously mentioned – and we are not doctors. Please be very aware that the information on this website has NOT been evaluated by the Food And Drug Administration. It is very important that you consult a qualified advanced health care practitioner before making any health decisions and/or making any changes to your diet and/or exercise patterns.